
Standard Temperatures [Classic 27 Series]

2/2, 3/2, & 4/2 Functions, 1/4" to 2-1/2" Port Sizes



  • Poppet valves
  • Inline mounted
  • High Flow Rate
  • Internal or external; easily field-convertible for use with an external pilot supply
  • Consistent response time over the life of the valve

27 Series Inline Poppet Valves Product Overview 

Directional control valves function is to control the direction of flow in the pneumatic circuit. Directional control valves are able to control the way the air passes. These valves can regulate the airflow being capable to stop fluid flow, allow fluid flow, and change the direction of fluid flow. These three functions usually operate in combination.


Please refer to the side and below for links to easily navigate and download ROSS Controls 27 Series Inline Poppet Valves catalogs, installation instructions, and technical data. Additionally, you have the option to filter through all available options to discover the ideal 27 Series Inline Poppet Valves variant that meets your requirements.

